Participation of 1th Genikou Lykeiou Elefsinas in the Comenius multilateral school partnerships action titled "Europe Without Prejudices"
Our school participates in the Comenius multilateral school partnerships action titled "Europe Without Prejudices". Schools from Germany, Estonia, Poland and Turkey are partners in this project too. The project is going to develop cultural knowledge and to diminish racism and xenophobia. It is to encourage students to exchange ideas and knowledge about their countries and it has a good opportunity to improve language skills as well as to increase the motivation of children and teachers. Exchanging traditions, ideas, opinions, methods, thoughts, cultures with their peers across Europe, our children will increase their knowledge about other European places and people. These unforgetable activities will make them aware of their identity. This is a natural way to overcome prejudices and ignorance in order to be able to regain self-esteem, and start to feel part of the same European community.
April 26, 2011
OUR FIRST TRIP IN BERLIN - 9-16 / 4 / 2011 (part 7)
Report written by Natalia Mantikou
This year I took part in a very interesting Comenius Project, called "Europe Without Prejudices". At first I had expected much less from it and didn't have any idea about its success and the impact it would have in my life. But meeting after meeting I realized that it is not just for fun, relaxing and spending time with friends; it has a deeper meaning.
The greatest part of it -for me at least- was the trip in Berlin, which will stay in my heart forever. I not only had a great time and made new friends (which may sounds like a very common thing to say, but I truly mean it) but also managed to "demolish" every slight highlight of prejudice I had. I mean it! After that trip everything is different for me. Everyone's attitude was perfect, the Germans were great hosts and all the participants were close to each other. This is really hard to happen when talking about different groups traveling together. Usually there are unfilled gaps, which render the participants uncommunica- tive. But as I said, this didn't happen in our case.
I will not refer to any things we did there because I am sure all the others will do that. The most important thing for me is that the friendships we developed there are strong enough for the students to travel to their new friends' countries for the summer holidays, and host each other! I already expect a participant of the project as a guest in Greece this August!
To sum up, I believe that the combination of having fun while broadening our horizons and seeing beyond prejudices is the key for a fair and better Europe.
This video is amazing!!!These moments in Berlin are unforgettable!!!I watched the guys and I had tears in my eyes!!!!I was so lucky that I participated in this programme...!!!Thank you!!!
This video is amazing!!!These moments in Berlin are unforgettable!!!I watched the guys and I had tears in my eyes!!!!I was so lucky that I participated in this programme...!!!Thank you!!!